嘩, 比人玩連鎖信... sorry 唔係, 係連鎖薄咯 blog 先真. 係乜水
http://lamkiuwai.blogspot.com/2005/11/blog-post_04.html就知到發生乜事, 夜麻麻玩埋d 咁野呀大佬
以下係我覺得最好的5 首情歌
1. I Don't want to miss a thing-- AerosmithI could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never doI'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
2. 愛是最大權利- Ping Pung憑我徹底的勇氣 愛是最大權利
理場面不偉大 我共你始終同遊生死
還有哪一種結尾 花光一切別嫌棄
若已想過太多 我只知愛你
3. I was Born to love you - QueenI was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life
4. 留給最愛的說話- 張麗瑾終于我鼓起0左最大0既勇氣約你出0黎
5. 閃著淚光的決定- 吳佩慈決定轉身背對著你 大步大步走下去
不再回頭望向遠方 永永遠遠忘了你
不許自己哭哭啼啼 敢愛而不敢離
雖然心中無法抹去 初戀的日記
其實仲有好多好歌, 不過呢隻比較有意思,有兩首都做左電視同電影的theme song
另外, 留給最愛的說話就實在係獨白太正. 所以寫埋入來. 其實好多都唔係好悲情, 係深情. 而最後的閃著淚光的決定... 今晚再聽一次, 都想返起以前的一件事. 仲有d淚光...
以下係我要forward 出去的5 個 blog. 以下5 位大人有大量, 我都係俾人玩。
林檎妹子愛Mac部落格人生之事 Matters of the Life mini-blogOne night like thisshaMonologue 以上幾位網友, 有d 係我的朋友, 亦有係用Mac 的網友, 以及我常去的blog site.
多謝大家, 請大家支持, 記得o係
地 通 拿 的 吹 水 文 集 留言, 佢先係始作俑者。