Friday, October 28, 2005


昨日Apple HK有記招, 推出新的PM G5 Dual Core、新Powerbook同埋Aperture軟件, 我就走左去睇, 主要其實都係睇o下aperture 有乜咁勁, 原來佢最勁就係食resource, 部G5 Quad都唔係行得好鬼快, 咁我部iMac來行咪死得???
不過就真係極多野玩, 可惜有條美國佬全程睇實部機, 冇得 hands on 去test, 等佢release 左再去玩o下先得

Thursday, October 20, 2005

雙Dual Core 64Bit

琴日蘋果電腦 發表左新機, 包括Power Mac G5同埋PowerBook G4
其中PowerMac G5都算有幾大的突破, 全面使用Dual Core 的PowerPC G5 處理器, 咁即係話, 行一枚處理器就有以往的Dual 處理器的效能, 睇落都幾吸引. 當中的詳細設定如下
PowerMac G5
The Power Mac G5 Dual, with a suggested retail price of $1,999 (US), includes:
dual-core 2.0GHz PowerPC G5 processor;
512MB of 533 MHz DDR2 SDRAM expandable up to 16GB;
160GB Serial ATA hard drive running at 7200 rpm;
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 LE with 128MB of GDDR SDRAM
three open PCI Express expansion slots: two 4-lane slots and one 8-lane slot;
dual Gigabit Ethernet ports;
16x SuperDrive? with double-layer support (DVD+R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW); and
ships with Mighty Mouse and Apple Keyboard.

咁兩粒Dual Core G5的設備就更勁
The Power Mac G5 Quad, with a suggested retail price of $3,299 (US), includes:
two dual-core 2.5GHz PowerPC G5 processors;
512MB of 533 MHz DDR2 SDRAM expandable up to 16GB;
250GB Serial ATA hard drive running at 7200 rpm;
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with 256MB of GDDR SDRAM
three open PCI Express expansion slots: two 4-lane slots and one 8-lane slot;
dual Gigabit Ethernet ports;
16x SuperDrive with double-layer support (DVD+R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW); and
ships with Mighty Mouse and Apple Keyboard

不過要成三千幾美金買一台Personal Computer, 會唔會貴左d 呢?
另外就係如果用nVidia的Quadro FX 4500 graphics card with 512MB of GDDR3 SDRAM的話, 就可以使用Dual 30" 顯示器, 不過, 用兩部30" 亡來做乜?

而PowerBook方面, 就真係一無是處, 改些少就話出新野, 呢部機同d 批西的Notebook相比, 差得遠.

Friday, October 14, 2005

新iMac, 舊瓶舊酒

當一眾mac 迷望穿秋水咁等Apple出新機, 點知......
1. 就係全新的iPod Video, 仲有新dock 同ir 遙控添
2. 就係第3代的imac G5
呢次換左用D2 Ram同 PCI-X Display, 再加埋iSight及遙控
仲有少少 speed boost. 咁就新機, 真係有d 舊瓶舊酒.
內置的isight 雖然未見過, 不過行usb bus, 相信造價好低, 唔係咁多新野都仲要平過以前???
可以去 睇o下呢部新機啦
不過改善就真係有, 好似 slot load 的Super Drive向下移, 所有插頭由直排變做橫排咁.
不過就冇左 vesa mount, 唔可以再mount 上牆玩野. 同埋跟隻新的 mighty mouse.

話時話, 現在的二手mac 真係冇以前咁好價, 一出新機, 舊野就會插水. 好似我部iMac G5咁, 係初代, 未到一年, 就出到3代.... 真係呢, 前兩個月, 我部機大展銷賣$8000, 比我買時差左成40 %......
都係唔再追新mac lu...